『え、それ食べちゃうの?』オーストラリアのびっくり食べ物TOP3 12

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Hi Everyone! It’s Max from Ecom.
今日は、その中でも特に珍しい食べ物のTOP 3を紹介したいと思います。




オーストラリアのびっくりな食べ物 Vegemite(ベジマイト)




第2位:Kangaroo Meat(カンガルーの肉)


 オーストラリアのびっくり食べ物 Kangaroo Meat(カンガルーの肉)





第3位:Witchetty Grub(ウイッチティーグラブ)


 オーストラリアのびっくり食べ物 Witchetty Grub(ウイッチティーグラブ)




About maxforest


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12 thoughts on “『え、それ食べちゃうの?』オーストラリアのびっくり食べ物TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max, How are you?
    I heard from a driver that when they hit a kangaroo on the street, they can run away without rescuing it. Japanese eat whale meet, but Australians will never eat it. I didn’t see aboriginals in Sydney, but where do they live? Do they still put on their original clothes? Do they live in special camps like Native Americans? It was a bit strange that I didn’t see African Australians there.
    When I ordered tea in several restaurants, they always asked me what kind of tea I would like to drink. They have a variety of tea and it’s a bit troublesome to order Earl Gray, Darjeeling, Assam, with or without lemon. I don’t care whether it is a regular tea or a special tea.

    • Max

      Hi Seiichi,
      I am well. How are you?
      While it would be best to try and help the Kangaroo, there are a very large number of Kangaroos in Australia and there are hundreds of Kangaroos killed on highways each year.

      There are aboriginal people all over Australia, but the Northern Territory has the highest population. Most aboriginal Australians wear regular western clothes, but they maintain their traditional culture. The Australian government has had a destructive impact on Aboriginal culture in the past and there are still many issues.

      In Australia, coffee is the most popular drink to order at a cafe and there are not many people who order tea. However, lately a brand of tea cafes has opened in Australia and many interesting flavors of tea have become popular. It can be difficult to keep track of all the names of tea! 紅茶 is similar to English Breakfast Tea in Australia, but you should be able to just order ‘Black Tea’.

      • Seiichi Furukawa

        Hello Max,
        Thank you for sharing your interesting comment. We went to Starbucks and ordered Café Latte. It was completely similar to Japanese Starbucks, but the price was a bit expensive.
        I understand that the Australian government has many issues with aboriginal Australians. I always look forward to have your explanations about Australia.

  • Yui

    How are you?
    I’m Yui‼️
    14years old,eighth grade!
    I’m badly to speak,writing English…
    I’m going to go to Australia to learn about Australia inAugust this year.
    What do they interested in about Japan now?
    For example animation,character…
    I want tell me this question‼️