Hello! It’s me again, Jenn from Ecom. How are you?
その1.The Tuque/Toque
カナダの冬はやはり寒いので、帽子は欠かせません。カナダ人が冬愛用する帽子といえば、tuqueです。Tuqueは「ニット帽子」という意味のカナダ英語です。アメリカ・イギリス英語では「knit cap」と呼びます。
下の写真は、2010年のバンクーバー・オリンピックで流行したCanadian Olympic Mittensという手袋です。売上の30%がカナダのオリンピック委員会に寄付されるので、皆がこの手袋を買ってカナダ代表のオリンピック選手をサポートしていました。
それでは、また次回!See you again next time!
Hello Jenn,
I’m always waiting for your new update of the Canadian lifestyle. I guess it might be very cold in winter in Canada. My boss was a research fellow at Toronto University and he said that winter in Canada was very harsh. However, in summer, he said that the weather was very nice.
When I went to Calgary in summer and drove up to Banff, I saw a huge glacial ice all over the mountain.
I’m glad that you are working as a full time worker in Canada. Canadians in Montreal and Quebec are well educated because they can speak both English and French. In addition, cities in Canada are safe because guns are strictly regulated.
I just read an article about illegal immigrants in the US from Mexico. I’m wondering if in Canada there a lot of illegal immigrants who are working as menial labors.
I don’t know about Canada’s main industry. I appreciate if you could introduce Canada’s biggest industries and the situation of economy in Canada.
Thank you for your attention.
Seiichi Furukawa
Dear Mr. Seiichi Furukawa,
thank you very much for your comment!
Jenn will answer you as soon as possible.
We are sorry for the late answer!
Best wishes,
Hello Seiichi!
Thank you so much for always reading my blog! While in Japan, I had
forgotten just how cold Canadian winter really is. It even snowed again
this month! Your boss is quite correct. I do remember Toronto having
particularly harsh winters, but summer was very lovely.
I have never been to Banff myself, but I know the sights there are
spectacular. The mountains are really something to see.
I do agree that cities in Canada are usually quite safe. Like any country,
Canada does have some illegal workers, but immigration authorities have
become quite strict and carefully monitor the borders. Anyone suspected of
coming to Canada to work illegally will be turned away. The officers at the
border are generally quite thorough in checking individuals coming into
Canada and although I’m sure there are some individuals who slip through
the cracks, generally illegal workers are not as big of a concern as in the
United States.
Immigrating to Canada has actually become a fairly difficult process. I
believe this is likely because the system was taken advantage of in the
past and there have been people coming to Canada (legally) who decided not
to work and just live off government benefits. However, now many Canadians
are dissatisfied because this system has become so strict and it can be
quite an ordeal to bring family into Canada. It doesn’t help that Canadian
visa offices overseas are sometimes very unhelpful.
I really appreciate your suggestion. I would be happy to talk about
Canada’s biggest industries and I will try to write a blog about that.
Take care and thanks again for reading!