Hi Everyone! It’s Max from Ecom.
Use of Shoes
これは「Bring Your Own」の短縮です。オーストラリアではよく、レストランの看板にこの言葉が書いてあります。みなさん、意味がわかりますか?これは「お酒は提供してないので、自分のものを持ってきていいですよ」という意味です。これはオーストラリアのユニークな文化で、他の国ではほとんど見たことがありません。
BYOのレストランではかわりに「Corkage Fee」があります。これはお酒を持って行く人が払うお金で、1人3ドル(300円)ぐらいです。また、パーティーの招待状に「Bring a plate」というフレーズがよく書いてあります。直接日本語にすると「お皿を持ってきてください」という意味になります。アメリカ人でも、この言葉の意味はわからないでしょう。意味は「一皿の料理を持ってきてください」です。そのためオーストラリアでは、バーベキューやパーティーにみんなでシェアできるサラダなどを持って行く文化があります。
Races Fashion
皆さん、いかがでしたか?国の文化の違いは面白いですね。僕は逆に、日本に来た時にびっくりしたこともたくさんありました。皆さんは他の国の面白い習慣を知っていますか?ぜひ教えてください!That’s all for today! See you next week!
Hello Max,
I always like to read your blogs. American guys would love to see women putting on a variety of thongs. Especially, on the beach in Australia, a lot of girls wearing thong undies can be seen. I understood thongs in Australia mean flip-flop sandals, not a small sexy piece of underwear that girls wear.
I don’t see many people in Japan who wear sunglasses. If old people in Japan put on sunglasses even on cloudy days, they may suffer from cataract. I think Asians do not need to wear sunglasses even on sunny days.
In Japan, a lot of gamblers with filthy clothes go to horse races to bet on the race.
. Do those pretty women on races fashion also bet on the horse? Or do they want to show off their fancy clothes to be paid attention to?
Dear Seiichi,
Australians often make the mistake of using the word ‘thong’ while in America. For example, in Australia you could say ‘I’ll just wear my thongs’ when going out – but this would obviously mean something very different in America.
How are you? Thanks for your comment.
Yes – they would!
That’s an interesting point. I think sunglasses are most popular as a fashion accessory in Australia – and also because the UV rays are very strong. It is especially glary at the beach, so it is common to see people wearing sunglasses there.
I think that races fashion is mainly for large horse racing events. The largest horse race in Australia, the Melbourne Cup is the biggest showcase of races fashion. There are fashion shows and large prizes for the best dressed men and women. In fact, the miniskirt first became popular around the world after it was worn to the Melbourne Cup by a model in 1965.
While most people do not bet on regular horse races, large events like the Melbourne Cup are very popular and all sorts of people participate.