Hello Everyone! How are you going? It’s Max from Ecom here!
では英語で「丁寧な言い方」があることは知っていますか?それはEuphemism (ユーファミズム:婉曲表現)と言います!
例えば皆さんは、トイレに行きたい時に何と言いますか?日本語ではトイレの代わりに「お手洗い」「化粧室」など色んな言葉がありますよね。英語では、「Can I use the restroom?」(お手洗いに行ってもいいですか)というフレーズをよく使います。これは「Can I go to the toilet?」のEuphemismですね。
また、物を説明する時にもEuphemismを使います。例えば「This house is claustrophobic!」(この家は閉所恐怖症になるほど小さい)と言ってしまったら相手が嫌な気持ちになりますね。その時は「This house is cozy」(この家は居心地が良いね)と言えば、相手に良い印象を与えられます。他には人に対して「He’s fat」(彼は太っている)の代わりに「He is overweight」「He is portly」などと言うことが出来ます。皆さん、「Euphemism」を使ってこの人を説明してください!
他にも「He is unemployed」 (彼は失業者だ)の代わりに「He is in between jobs」(彼は新しい仕事を探している)と言う方が優しいでしょう。あとよく聞く表現は「He has passed away」です。皆さん、この表現の意味がわかりますか? 実はこれ「彼は亡くなった」というフレーズのEuphemismです。
2 thoughts on “英語にも丁寧語があるの?「Euphemism」の使い方を覚えよう”
Hello Max,
Thank you very much for your explanation about euphemism. I didn’t know that “Can I go to the toilet?” would be one of euphemism.
The woman on the picture can be described as “Miss Roly-poly flares up and points her finger at you.”
When I watched “Full house”, a famous American sit-com, a girl said, “Her grandpa kicked the bucket.” Would it be a nice way of saying?
Hi Seiichi,
How are you? Thanks for your comment!
‘Can I go to the toilet’ not appropriate for formal situations, so it is best to say ‘Can I use the restroom’ etc. I think that this is common to many languages, like how you would say お手洗い as a euphemism in Japanese.
Your explanation of the picture is very humorous! However it is a bit rude to call her ‘Miss roly-poly’ – we usually use euphemisms to say something in a nicer way – so it would be more appropriate to call her ‘portly’ or well built’ etc.
Kick the bucket could be thought of as a euphemism, but it is not polite. It is a slang phrase that is a bit rude. It originates from when people committing suicide by hanging themselves would stand on a bucket and then kick the bucket away.