それでは、オーストラリアのTOP 3人気アルバイトとその時給を紹介します!みなさんは海外で暮らすなら、どんなアルバイトがしたいですか?
平均時給$18 (1715 JPY)お店の店員は、一番人気のアルバイトです。日本でも人気ですが、オーストラリアの店員はバイト内容がちょっと違います。日本では接客のレベルはとても高いし、『お客さんは神様』という考え方があると思います。一方オーストラリアでは、もっとナチュラルでフレンドリーな対応が普通です。お客さんと日常会話をしたり、笑ったりするのはオーストラリアで接客をする際の大事なポイントです。
平均時給$15 (1430 JPY)オーストラリア人は日本人と同じように外食が大好きなので、カフェやレストランがたくさんあります。中華料理や日本食やタイ料理など、色々な料理のレストランが人気です。ホールスタッフの時給は店員と比べたら安いですが、お客さんからチップをもらえます。それを考えると、あまり変わらないでしょう。オーストラリアに留学している日本人はよく、日本食レストランでホールスタッフのアルバイトをしています。
平均時給$18 (1715 JPY)オーストラリアでは『パブ』と呼ばれる、居酒屋みたいなお店がたくさんあります。バーテンダーはそこでカクテルやビールやワインなどを提供し、お客さんをもてなします。このアルバイトも人気ですが、特別な資格が必要だし未成年の人はできないので、他のアルバイトよりも難しいです。
3 thoughts on “【時給1700円~】オーストラリアで人気のアルバイト3つとその事情”
Hello Max, How are you?
I’m always curious about whether or not we should pay tips to waiters or waitresses at cafes in Australia. When we went to a pancake restaurant, the waiter told us to bring the bill at the cashier. And when we ordered a glass of champagne at a bar in Park Hyatt, I left small change as a tip. The waitress said that I shouldn’t have left the tip. I said, “It’s OK. Please take it.” Then, she said to me “Thank you so much, Sir.” I felt a bit perplexed when those people were reluctant to accept tips. In the US or European countries, they are usually craving for tips. I wonder if in Australia, they have something like a minimum wage law. I imagine their minimum wage is so high, so they don’t need to rely on tips from customers. I guess the Australian economy is thriving and people in Australia do not need to bend over backwards to earn extra money. I didn’t encounter homeless people in Sydney. The streets were clean and safe. I like Sydney very much.
Hello Seiichi,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, it can be difficult to know whether or not to pay a tip in Australia. Generally, you do not need to pay a tip, but it is recommended that you do so at nice restaurants, or if you are really happy with the food/service.
The minimum wage is very high for part time work in Australia, so restaurant employees do not rely on tips like they do in the U.S. When I worked at a restaurant in Sydney, the tips were split equally between all staff members – I received on average $3 a day in tips.
There are also some other ways that you can tip in Australia. For example, there is often a bowl next to the cash register where you can leave a few coins after receiving your change.
I am very happy to hear that you like Sydney!
Hello Max,
Your explanation about tips in Australia is very clear. I saw a bowl nest to the cash register, but I thought it was something like a donation for Red Cross.
I’m so sorry to hear that you received on average $3 a day in tips. That was nearly nothing. An American waiter could earn more than $100 a day in tips. I guess Australians are very honest because as you said they split tips equally among them.
I should have left tips at the restaurant in Park Hyatt when we ordered continental breakfast. It was a buffet style, so I didn’t leave tips for the waiter.