その1:Swim between the flags!
その2:Watch out for Sharks!
その3:Fish and Chips!
オーストラリア人はビーチに行くと、よく Fish and Chipsを食べます。どこのビーチでも必ず、 Fish and Chipsのお店があります。色んなバリエーションがありますが、基本的には揚げた魚(タラ)とフライドポテトです。あまりヘルシーではありませんが、美味しいですよ!みなさん、ぜひ食べてみてください。
3 thoughts on “オーストラリアのビーチカルチャーで気をつけること3つ”
Hello Max,
I always appreciate your up-to-date topics about Australia. I think Australia is our nearest country where people speak English as their native language. Moreover, people in general are very kind to Asians and the towns are clean and safe. Therefore, I recommend that E-com students should go and visit Australia to brush up their English.
I guess Bondi beach is nice, but I didn’t have a chance to visit there. There is Bondi Explorer, a sightseeing bus, which goes from Circular Quay to the beach and comes back to Circular Quay. When I visit Sydney, there was a big marathon in Bondi beach and the sightseeing bus was out of service on the day. Therefore, I got on a boat and went to Manly Beach. Manly has a lot of shops and restaurants and the beach is stretching for miles. But nobody was swimming in the beach in August because it is in winter in Australia.
There were whale watching boats starting from Circular Quay, but I don’t know whether or not people can watch wales from the boat. We seldom eat whale’s meet these days, but I love a shark-fin soup. It’s so delicious. I don’t know whether or not they serve a shark-fin soup in restaurants on the east Australian beach where they can capture sharks.
I don’t know Australian fishermen catch codfish in the sea. I guess cod is from northern seas. Therefore, in the UK, they eat fish and chips. I’m still curious about why codfish fly has no bones. Usually, when I eat codfish in Japan, it usually has bones and we have to be careful not to swallow the bones. I guess people will have a bone to pick if they find bones in Fish and Chips.
Hi Seiichi. How are you?
Have a great day!
Thank you for your comment.
I don’t think you missed out on anything by not going to Bondi – Manly is just as nice, and there are far fewer people. There are also many nice restaurants and i’m sure that riding the ferry is more interesting than a bus.
Yes, the whale watching boats usually go out of the harbor and into the ocean to see whales before coming back. There is also a very popular water jet boat that you can get on at Circular Quay that takes you around the harbor – you get very wet, so it is particularly popular on a hot day!
I think that you will only find shark fin soup at Chinese restaurants in Australia. The fish and chips that you find at most shops is generally made with a fish called ‘Basa’ that is imported from Asia. It is cheap and tasty. However, there is also usually a more expensive option to have Barramundi fish and chips. Barramundi is a much higher quality fish that is farmed in Australia.
I thought that your comment about having a bone to pick with fish and chips was very witty.
Hello Max,
Thank you very much for your reply. I’ll go to Bondi beach when I have a chance to visit Sydney again. Actually, a flight attendant of Qantas told me that I should go to Manly beach. Sydney is a port city and it is fantastic to get on a boat to visit Manly and Taronga Zoo. In addition, Captain Cook’s dinner cruise is nice.