Hi! How is everyone today? It’s Max from E-com! 皆さんは洋楽をよく聞きますか?好きな歌手ありますか?オーストラリアの歌手の誰かを知っていますか?今日、有名なオーストラリア人の歌手のTOP 3を紹介します!
第3位:Kylie Minogue(カイリー・ミノーグ)
まず紹介するのは、メルボルン出身のポップ歌手カイリー・ミノーグです!みなさんはこの方をご存知ですか?カイリーはオーストラリアだけでなく、イギリスやアメリカでも人気です。有名な曲は「I Should Be So Lucky」「Can’t Get You Out of My Head」「In Your Eyes」などです。2000年のシドニー五輪では、オープニングセレモニーで歌いました。彼女の曲をぜひ聞いてみてください!
INXSはシドニー出身の、世界的に有名なロックバンドです。特に1980年代に流行していました。ですが、2012年に引退してしまいました。人気曲は「Never Tear Us Apart」「New Sensation」などです。
一番有名なのは「AC/DC」というロックバンドです。知っている人も多いと思います。このバンドは特に1970年代に流行しましたが、今でも人気です。ヘビーメタルというジャンルを有名にした最初のバンドです。世界的に有名なのでアメリカの売り上げも高くて、世界5位になります。有名な曲は「Back In Black」「Highway to Hell」「Thunderstruck」などですね。ちなみにメルボルンには、ACDC通りという道があります!

That’s all for today! See you soon!
4 thoughts on “オーストラリアの有名な歌手・バンドTOP3”
Hello Max, How are you?
Have you ever seen “Lost”? It is one of a blockbuster of American TV series. In “Lost”, I like Claire, a cute Australian actress who speaks Australian English. Her boyfriend, Charlie, a actor from England, speaks in British accent. I can’t distinguish Australian English from British English. I listened to Kylie Minogue’s songs on Youtube, but I was a bit disappointed that she sang songs in something like American accent. I met a family at Taronga Zoo and I had a lovely conversation with them. It was a bit difficult to understand their Australian accent, but I felt that Australian in general were kind to Asian people. Maybe, the former prime minister of Australia speaks excellent Mandarin. I saw a bunch of Chinese people in many tourist spots and duty free shops.
I’m glad that you introduce us very interesting topics of Australia. Japan Airline and Qantas used to operate non-stop flights from Narita to Cairns and Melbourne, but now Qantas runs red-eye flights from Narita to Sydney only. When you introduce something interesting topics to us, we will surely be curious about Australian culture and want to visit Australia.
Hello Seiichi! I am well. How are you?
Thank you for your comment.
I have heard of Lost, but to be honest I have never watched it. Do you like it?
Yes, most people who live in Australian cities have quite a neutral accent, so it can be difficult to tell. When I meet other foreigners in Japan, they often think that I am British after hearing my English.
I will write about flights in more detail in another blog, but have you heard about Jetstar? Jetstar is owned by Qantas and operates direct flights from Narita and Osaka to Brisbane and Cairns. They are also starting a new service from Tokyo to Melbourne shortly. The service is not as good as Qantas or JAL but the tickets are very cheap!
Once again, thank you for your interest the blog!
Hello Max,
Thank you for your replay. “Lost” is so interesting and I guess it is a good tool to improve our listening comprehension. When I flew on Qantas, a flight attendant told me that Qantas had to sell out their business to Jet star. There is only one hour difference between Japan and Sydney, and we don’t worry about a jet lag. I’ve never been to Melbourne, but it is said that the city is also a fantastic place to visit.
Hi Seiichi,
That’s great that you like watching Lost – I enjoy watching Japanese dramas as they are very helpful for practicing listening. Qantas is still Australia’s biggest airline – Jetstar is owned by Qantas. Jetstar is now even more convenient because of Jetstar Japan. You can now travel from other cities in Japan like Fukuoka and Sapporo to Australia with Jetstar (but you have to change planes at Narita). Yes, I love Melbourne – personally I like it a lot more than Sydney 🙂 I will introduce Melbourne in another blog soon! Have a great day!