Hi everybody! How are you doing? It’s me again. EcomのJennです。
英語の諺には、動物を使ったものがたくさんあります。前回紹介した「birds of a feather」もその一つですね。このような表現を見ると、英語圏の人がある動物に対してどんなイメージを持っているかということが理解できて、面白いと思います。ということで、今回も動物が使われている諺を紹介したいと思います。
「The early bird catches the worm.」
A: It’s already noon and you’re just waking up? Don’t you know the early bird catches the worm?
(もうお昼なのに、ようやく起きたの?「早起きの鳥は虫を捕らえる」ってことを知らないの?)B: Yeah, well, I’m more of a night owl.
※「owl=フクロウ」「 Night owl = owlのように、夜遅くに行動するのが好きな人」
日本語に「The early bird catches the worm」と似た意味の諺がありますよね。そう、「早起きは三文の徳」です。
では、また次回!See you again next time!
Hello Jenn, How are you?
I always look forward to reading your interesting articles.
I guess in a hospital, the early bird catches not the worm but the very nasty patient. When I was working at a hospital in Tokyo, I usually encounter critical patients when I went there earlier than usual. In the early morning, when not so many doctors were working, the nurse of the night shift was looking for a doctor who happened to come to the hospital to see patients. The early bird catches the troublesome patients in the hospital.
Thank you so much for your comment and reading my blogs! I’m glad that you
enjoy them.
Oh my! It sounds like a morning shift in a hospital must be rough!
I hope that normally your patients are more pleasant. Perhaps it is better not to arrive too early in that case. I guess that being an early bird is not necessarily always a good thing.