オーストラリアで流行している日本の店TOP3 3

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Hi Everyone! How are you? EcomのMaxです。日本では、どんな海外の店が人気ですか?レストランや家具の店やファストフードなど色々あるでしょう。実は、オーストラリアでは、色んな日本の店が流行っています。今日、そのTOP 3を紹介したいと思います!








ぜひ、コメントで教えてください。Until next time! Bye!

About maxforest


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3 thoughts on “オーストラリアで流行している日本の店TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max, How are you?
    I went to a local supermarket which runs by Indians. I saw many Indians and Asian people in Sydney working at restaurants. Indians in general speak English with a strange Indian accent, so I sometimes feel a bit difficult to understand their English.
    I don’t think owners of the Japanese supermarkets are Japanese because I heard that applying working visa in Australia is difficult for Asians. I don’t know how they can sell Japanese food without knowing what they are or how they are to be cooked.

    • Max

      Hi Seiichi,
      Thank you for your comment.
      Yes, Australia is a very multicultural country so there are many people with different backgrounds. As a result of this, you hear many different accents in Australia, and some of them can be hard to understand.

      Most of the Asian Supermarkets are Chinese owned and mainly stock Chinese products. However, in areas with large Japanese populations, there are Japanese owned supermarkets that sell Japanese products as well. The same goes for restaurants – Japanese food is very popular in Australia, so there are hundreds of Japanese restaurants – often they are run by Chinese or Korean people, but there are also many run by Japanese people as well.

      At the Japanese restaurant that I worked at, the manager and hall staff were Japanese, and the chefs were Korean and Chinese. We got to enjoy Korean, Chinese and Japanese food because of this.

      • Seiichi Furukawa

        Hello Max,
        Thank you very much for your reply. Australia is a wonderful country because people were very kind to us. I didn’t go to an expensive Japanese restaurant. Therefore, I don’t know what kind of food they are serving to customers. Judging from you comment, there are not so many excellent Japanese chefs in Australia. The chefs in Japanese restaurants are Chinese or Koreans, so the taste of food might be different form a real Japanese cuisine.
        Sydney is a small town, but there are numerous restaurants on the street. I saw businesspeople enjoying their lunch outside with wine. I don’t know whether or not they had three-martini lunch, but Australians in general are wealthy.