日本で有名なオーストラリア人TOP3 4

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第3位:Shiori Kutsuna(忽那 汐里)

日本で有名なオーストラリア人 Shiori Kutsuna(忽那 汐里)





第2位:Hugh Jackman(ヒュー・ジャックマン)

日本で有名なオーストラリア人 Hugh Jackman(ヒュー・ジャックマン)ヒュー・ジャックマンさんは日本を含めて世界的に有名な俳優です。去年「ザ・ウルヴァリン:SAMURAI」というハリウッド映画を撮影するために、初来日しました。その時に東京や京都を観光して、Twitterで「日本は素晴らしい!」と言っていました。いました。

第1位:Miranda Kerr(ミランダ・カー)

日本で有名なオーストラリア人 Miranda Kerr(ミランダ・カー)一番人気は、ミランダ・カーさんです。この人はオーストラリア出身のモデルで、日本でもTVなどでよく見ます。リプトンの「リモーネ」や、「サマンサタバサ」「ボールド」などのCMに出演しています。これからも日本で有名になっていくと思うので、皆さんぜひチェックしてみてください!


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4 thoughts on “日本で有名なオーストラリア人TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max,
    Thank you for your information about famous Australian people in Japan. I don’t watch TV so often, so I miss those celebrities in the media. I didn’t know that Shiori Kutsuna graduated from a high school in Sydney. My English pronunciation is often rectified by E-com teachers, and it’s extremely difficult for a Japanese to pronounce English as native speakers of English do. I admire bilingual speakers.
    Miranda Kerr looks young, but she was born in 1983 and has a kid. I hope those actresses introduce Australian culture to Japanese people.
    Australia is one of the best business partners of Japan. I think Australia is rich enough to purchase a variety of Japanese products, such as cars and electric appliances. I heard the Mazda’s cars are selling well in Australia. It’s amazing that Australian bank notes are made of plastic and they have less creases and folds.
    And, of course, Japanese government imports natural resources, beef and dairy products from Australia. I love Australian wines because they are organic and have no toxic preservatives. Japanese government settled a business treaty to gradually abolish tariff barriers between Japan and Australia. In addition, there are a lot of excellent English teachers in Australia and Japanese English learners should learn English from them.
    I always appreciate your effort to introduce Australian culture to us.

    • Max

      Hello Seiichi,
      Thank you for your comment.
      Yes, I didn’t know that she lived in Australia either! When I found out I was very surprised, as I lived in the same area of Sydney.
      Yes, pronunciation is very difficult and takes a long time to master. I think that it is important to practice as much as possible.
      I will write a blog about Japanese products in Australia soon. It is true that Japanese cars are very popular – in fact Toyota is Australia’s most popular car brand, but they have moved their factories out of Australia early this year due to high costs.
      The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will have many benefits for Japan and Australia. Japanese cars and electronics will be cheaper in Australia and Australian beef, wine and cheese will be cheaper in Japan.
      I am sure that this will strengthen Japan and Australia’s relationship even more.

    • 英語ネットEcom


