オーストラリアで有名な日本人TOP3 3

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Hi Everyone! It’s Max from Ecom here! みなさん、オーストラリアで有名な日本人は誰だと思いますか?
今日は、オーストラリアで有名な日本人TOP 3を紹介したいと思います。


オーストラリアで有名な日本人 和久田哲也



オーストラリアで有名な日本人 エディー・ジョーンズ

オーストラリア人の父親とアメリカと日本のハーフの母親の間に生まれので、日本のクオーターになります。学生の頃はシドニーのランドイックという町にあるチームの選手で、それからシドニーでコーチになりました。2001年にオーストラリア代表「The Wallabies」のコーチになって、「Tri Nations Rugby Competition」という大会で優勝しました。その後、2009年に日本に来てラグビーチームのヘッドコーチをしています。


オーストラリアで有名な日本人 オノ・ヨーコ




About maxforest


Seiichi Furukawa へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

3 thoughts on “オーストラリアで有名な日本人TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max,
    I know “Tetsuya’s” which is famous for its nice Japanese garden. However, I didn’t have a chance to go there because the price was beyond our purse. Instead, we went to the Galleries Food Hall and ate Ramen at “Ichibanboshi”. It was good and less expensive.
    Ono Yoko is very famous, but I didn’t know that she is in Australia.
    Dr. Robert Chase may be a famous Austrian young doctor in “House”, an American TV series. He stands out because he speaks typical Australian English.
    Greg Norman, a professional golf player, is also famous, but I seldom see him playing golf these days.

    • Max

      Hello Seiichi,
      Yes – Tetsuya’s is very expensive, but the food is very good!

      I have visited Ichibanboshi many times, but there is always a long wait to get a table. I recommend visiting Kinokuniya next door while you’re waiting. Also, there is another Japanese restaurant in that building called ‘Wagamama’. I thought that this was a very odd name for a restaurant, but I suppose it sounds cool in English! 🙂

      Ono Yoko was in Australia last year, but I don’t think she is there anymore.
      I haven’t seen House, but i’ll have to have a look to hear his accent!
      Do you know of any famous Australians in Japan?

      • Seiichi Furukawa

        Hello Max,
        Thank you for your reply. I guess many Japanese know the name of the President of the US, but not so many of us know the prime minister of Australia. I know Julia Gillard because she is a woman prime minister and is very pretty and cool for her age.
        Another famous prime minister is Kevin Rudd because he speaks perfect Mandarin. It’s a bit weird that non-Asians can speak Mandarin.
        I think Sydney is one of the best cities to visit for Japanese who study English. Sydney is clean and safe. We don’t necessarily need to pay tips at restaurants. And, people in Sydney in general are very kind to Japanese tourists.