シドニーのおすすめ観光スポットTOP3 2

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シドニーは日本から飛行機で8時間と、割と近いので日本人観光客に大人気です。そこで今日は、シドニーのおすすめ観光スポットTOP 3を紹介します!


第3位: Darling Harbour(ダーリングハーバー)




ダーリングハーバーは、シティーの隣にあるおしゃれな町です。たくさんのデパートやレストランと、「Wildlife Sydney Zoo」という小さな動物園があります。動物園では、オーストラリアの世界的に有名な動物たちを近くから見られます。かわいいコアラを抱くこともできますよ!



第2位:Manly Ferry(マンリーフェリー)




マンリーは、シドニーの北側にある奇麗なビーチの町です。シティーからはフェリーを使って、20分くらいで行けます。マンリーに着いたらビーチで遊びながら、以前紹介したFish and chipsを食べるのがおすすめです。また、ビーチの隣には水族館があって、近くからサメやエイなどを見ることができます。



第1位:Sydney Opera House / Royal Botanical Gardens(オペラハウス・ボタニカルガーデン)




みなさんはシドニーのシンボル、オペラハウスを知っていますか?オペラハウスの中にはコンサートホールやオペラシアターやレストランなどがあります。シティーからは歩いて10分のエリアです。周りもとても奇麗なので、外から見るだけでも楽しいですよ。オペラハウスの外には色んなレストランやカフェがあるので、シドニーハーバーの美しい眺めを楽しみながら、美味しい料理を食べましょう。その後は、オペラハウスの隣にあるボタニカルガーデンに行くのがおすすめです。 ボタニカルガーデンは、シドニーで一番大きくて奇麗な公園です。

About maxforest


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2 thoughts on “シドニーのおすすめ観光スポットTOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max,
    I was waiting for your blog about Australia. I love Sydney very much because it has a lot of sightseeing spots.
    Darling Harbor is within walking distance from City. I went up to Sydney Tower Eye, looked down at Darling Harbor and decided where to go. Sydney Aquarium and Sydney Wildlife World were so fantastic. However, Metro Monorail was out of service, so I had to walk the bridge to go to Australian National Maritime Museum. If you want to be a millionaire, you can go to The Star, a big casino at Darling Harbor.
    If we are lucky enough to make a bundle at the casino, we can charter a private cruise ship to go to Manly. There are a lot of restaurants and shops along the Corso Street. At the end of the street, we see a beautiful beach stretching for miles.
    A guided tour for Japanese visitors is available at Sydney Opera House. The shape of its roofs is so gorgeous and fantastic. A Japanese speaking tour guide explained us about the architecture of the Opera House. Open cafés were crowded with lots of sightseers.
    I guess Sydney is one of the best cities to visit.

    • Max

      Hi Seiichi! How are you?
      Yes, there are lots of things to do in Darling Harbour, and it is convenient to have the Wildlife World and Aquarium so close by. Unfortunately, the Metro Monorail has been demolished as it was not making money and was seen as ugly and inconvenient. Alternatively, there are a number of buses and trams that go to Darling Harbour. You can also walk from Town Hall station.
      Yes, I recommend Manly as it is not as famous as other beaches like Bondi, so it isn’t very crowded. The ferry service and the shops and restaurants nearby add to its appeal.
      The Opera House is a very unique building, and the Botanical Gardens that are located next to it are also very nice. It’s great that you had such a good time in Sydney! 🙂
      Have a nice day!