オーストラリアの有名なアウトドア料理TOP3 2

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Hi Everyone! It’s Max from Ecom. オーストラリア人は、外で時間を過ごすのが大好きです。キャンプに行ったり、ビーチでパーティーしたり、オーストラリア人はいつも外で楽しんでいます。
そのためオーストラリアでは、アウトドアで食べる料理が色々あります。そこで今日は、その中でも特に人気のあるTOP 3を紹介します!








第2位:Sausage Sizzle (ソッセージシズル)
















About maxforest


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2 thoughts on “オーストラリアの有名なアウトドア料理TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max, How are you?
    I always look forward to reading your new blog about Australia.
    When we got on a sightseeing bus to Blue Mountain, a tour conductor explained that eucalypt forests were easily catch fire and it lead to a big forest fire. Therefore, I heard that people in Australia are very careful when they enjoy barbecue in the field.
    Barbecue is not so popular in our area because we usually do not have a big garden enough to hold a barbecue party. However, at a local festival, we can eat Yakisoba or sausage at a stall on the street. Sausage sizzle looks delicious, but the sausage in the picture may be overcooked. When I ordered hot dog in the US, they sliced long bread and put a boiled sausage on the bread. The hot dog has no taste, and it had no relish. I had to add ketchup and mustard. I see some ketchup on the edge of the sausage sizzle. Is it ketchup?
    Dumper in the picture is covered with ashes. It looks very hard like a rock. How can you wipe out the ashes?
    A Japanese woman tour guide told us about a story of lunch box she made for her kids at school in Sydney. A lot of kids brought a peanut butter sandwich and nothing else. So, they were all astonished to see her wonderful homemade lunch. Do they bring lunch boxes when they go for a picnic?
    I appreciate your kind explanations fort Australian culture and lifestyle.

    • Max

      Dear Seiichi,

      I am well. Thank you for your comment.

      Yes, the Eucalyptus forests do catch fire easily, but this is because bush fires are an essential, natural part of the Australian ecosystem. Some plants in Australia rely on bush fires to allow them to germinate.

      Sausages at sausage sizzles are usually cooked in large numbers by volunteers, so they are usually burnt 🙂 But they taste good anyway.

      In British English, ketchup is called tomato sauce. Usually at a sausage sizzle you can add fried onions and barbecue sauce or tomato sauce, but not mustard. The sweet mustard that you have on a hot dog is known as American Mustard in Australia and the UK.

      The damper in the picture is being cooked in a traditional way by an aboriginal person. When we cook damper, outside, it is usually held over a fire on a stick or skewer. This way there are no ashes.

      Most school students in Australia have a sandwich for lunch. The fillings vary, but usually they are peanut butter, Vegemite or ham etc. Recently, some schools have banned peanut butter sandwiches because some students are allergic to peanuts.

      We don’t really have a concept of bento boxes, but if we were going for a picnic, we would probably bring a variety of meat, salad etc. in separate boxes.

      Thank you for your comments and have a great day!