オーストラリアの危険な動物TOP3 2

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Hi Everyone! It’s Max from E-Com! オーストラリアにはコアラやカンガルーなど、可愛い動物がたくさんいますよね。でも、実は「世界で一番危ない国」と呼ばれるくらい、危険な動物が多いことでも知られています。皆さんは、危ない生き物と聞いてイメージできますか?


第3位:Sydney Funnel Web Spider(シドニーファネルウェブスパイダー)







第2位:Saltwater Crocodile(ソルトウォータークロコダイル)






第1位:Box Jellyfish(ボックスジェリーフィッシュ)







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2 thoughts on “オーストラリアの危険な動物TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max,
    Thank you very much for sharing your interesting topic about Australia. Luckily, I didn’t encounter these animals in Sydney.
    Sydney Funnel Web Spider and Saltwater Crocodile look very vicious. On the other hand, Box Jellyfish is kind of lovely and mysterious. I think lifeguards on the beach prepare some antitoxins for the jellyfish.
    I happened to read an article about cane toads in Australia. The cane toad has parotid glands which produce toxic poison that is dangerous to many species. The cane toad in Australia is regarded as one of the invasive species and it has been spreading on the east coast.
    I think Mamushi, a venomous snake, is one of the most dangerous animals in Japan. And a blowfish and a hornet would be also dangerous.
    I always appreciate your blogs because we can absorb some interesting topics about Australia.

    • Max

      Hello Seiichi, Hope you are well.
      As always, thank you for your comments.

      Australia has lots of beautiful nature, and there are many dangerous animals because of this. In my house in Australia, it was not uncommon to find large spiders and other bugs. There were often funnel web spiders in the house, but they don’t bite humans unless you aggravate them.

      I have actually written an article about Cane Toads, so look out for it! 🙂 They are certainly one of Australia’s worst pests and have seriously damaged the Australian ecosystem. They are also very ugly animals.

      Thank you for telling me about the dangerous Japanese animals – I was unaware of them. I enjoy the fact that there are not many bugs in Japanese homes, but I am always surprised by the large, strange looking bugs that I see in Tokyo in the summer.