カナダのお札とコインには、それぞれニックネームがあるの? 2


Hello! It’s me again, Jenn from Ecom. How are you?







































それでは、また次回!See you again next time!

About St.jeanJenn

カナダ、オンタリオ州出身。英語、仏語共にネイティブ。カナダの大学で、東アジア研究として、日本語の勉強を始める。卒業後、早稲田大学に留学し、2013年卒業。現在地元カナダに帰国中。 カナダの文化紹介、日本とカナダの比較記事などを書いて、皆さんが、カナダのことをもっと知ってもらえればと思います。

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2 thoughts on “カナダのお札とコインには、それぞれニックネームがあるの?

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Jenn,
    I always love to read your topics about Canada. I’m glad that you can use your internet to respond my comment.
    When I was in NY, they use dirty and torn notes. Especially, a dollar bill is always filthy. Canadian bills are very clean and extremely colorful. Do you have a dollar bill in Canada? I guess you need a dollar bill when you pay tips at restaurants. I guess in the US, waiters and waitresses may understand the amount of tips when they hold the dirty one dollar bills. Do they accept $5 bills as tips? How can they calculate the amount of tips when they grab the coins? I guess it might be rude to stare at the coins in front of the customers.
    In the US, the smallest coin is a dime, but the coin is not engraved 10 cents, I guess. Is the Canadian dime the smallest coin?
    I guess in Australia, bills are made of plastic, not paper. What are the colorful bills made of? I always appreciate your comment.

    • St.jeanJenn Post author

      Hello Seiichi! Thank you for always reading my blogs. I’m glad that I finally have internet once again as well.

      Canada used to have dollar bills in the past, but they were phased out and replaced by the dollar coin, the loonie. In restaurants most people these
      days will pay tip by debit of credit. When you go to pay your bill at the end of the meal, the card reader machine will usually ask if you want to leave a tip and you can enter the amount there. Actually, I find not many people carry around cash anymore. (I know I don’t!)
      However, I think some people will leave change, such as loonies and toonies as a tip, or even a five or ten dollar bill in some cases.

      The smallest coin in size is also the dime in Canada. It is actually almost the same size as an American dime. Canadian banknotes are currently made of polymer, like those in Australia, but Canada only started using polymer banknotes quite recently (within the last few years).