「Selfie(セルフィー)」って知ってる?英語のスラング・流行語TOP3 4

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Hi Everyone! Ecomのマックスです!みなさん、日本では毎年たくさんの流行語が生まれますね。去年は「今でしょ!」とか「じぇじぇじぇ!」などなど。アメリカやオーストラリアでは、日本とくらべて、ここまで早く流行語は生まれません。多くの英語の流行語はネット上で話題になって、それから若者の間で人気になります。大人は言葉の意味を知らない場合が多いから、若者の使う言語みたいなイメージがあります。





英語のスラング・流行語 Derp(ダープ)






英語のスラング・流行語 Yolo(ヨーロー)


この言葉は「You Only Live Once」(人生は一度きり)の頭文字です。長いフレーズはずっと前から使われていましたが、2011年の人気ポップ曲に頭文字のYOLOが出ましたのでその時から若者の間で人気になりました。使い方は楽しいけど危なくてバカなことをした後に、「YOLO」をいい訳として使います。例えば、「どうしてそんなにバカなことするの?!」と問い詰められたら、「YOLO!」(人生は一度きりだから楽しいことしたい!)と答えます。





英語のスラング・流行語 Selfie(セルフィー)





About St.jeanJenn

カナダ、オンタリオ州出身。英語、仏語共にネイティブ。カナダの大学で、東アジア研究として、日本語の勉強を始める。卒業後、早稲田大学に留学し、2013年卒業。現在地元カナダに帰国中。 カナダの文化紹介、日本とカナダの比較記事などを書いて、皆さんが、カナダのことをもっと知ってもらえればと思います。

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4 thoughts on “「Selfie(セルフィー)」って知ってる?英語のスラング・流行語TOP3

  • Seiichi Furukawa

    Hello Max,

    There are a lot of colloquial expressions which are used by young people. These words should not be used in a formal situation, but I often hear four letter words when I watch American dramas. Do you know why F-word or C-word is a four letter word, not a three or five letter word?

    I watch today’s NHK news in the morning which introduced Australian coffee culture. They like to go to cafes where a barista serves exquisite coffee with a nice drawing on the top. I don’t know how I express this splendid milk coffee. Gee, it’s beautiful. Wow, it must be very expensive!

    • Max

      Hello Seiichi,
      Thank you for your comment.
      That is a very interesting question. I did some research and it seems that swear words are some of the oldest words in English and therefore are often made up of the CVCC or CCVC pattern (C being consonant and V being vowel). This means that they only have one syllable and are easy to pronounce, which makes them appropriate for swear words.

      Thank you for letting me know about the NHK program. Yes, as I wrote in the blog, coffee culture is very big in Australia. However, coffee is very expensive. The cheapest coffees usually cost about $3.50. Did you drink any coffee other than Starbucks while you were in Australia?

      • Seiichi Furukawa

        Hello Max,
        Thank you again for your reply. I ordered a Cappuccino at a restaurant in Park Hyatt and it was much more expensive. Therefore, I was reluctant to have coffee at the restraint and had an English tea instead which was served with a pot. When I went to a convenient store in Sydney, I bought a bottle of coffee which was very sweet. Thinking of the price of a cup of coffee in Australia, I should compromise with a 24/7 store’s coffee in Japan.

        • Max

          Hi Seiichi,
          I recommend that you go to a cafe (other than Starbucks 🙂 )for coffee next time you’re in Sydney. The Park Hyatt would have very expensive coffee and convenience stores only sell bottled sweet ‘iced coffee’. Coffee that you buy in a cafe in Australia will be a bit more expensive than coffee in Japan, but the quality is good.
          Have a nice day.